I hate this part-the bio, the about me. I always find this difficult. I grew up in a small, rural town where everyone knows everyone. Then, I traveled to the "big city" to attend the college of my dreams. I met my husband back when Facebook required a .edu email address. I began working in child welfare shortly after graduating with my bachelor's degree in social work. I earned my master's degree and obtained my licensure as a certified social worker a few years later. I currently work from home, which has its ups and downs, as you will soon learn. I started my own freelance writing business during the pandemic and love every minute of it. I love all things Grey's Anatomy and FRIENDS and have an annoyingly unhealthy knowledge of both.
I love kids. After being married for a few years, my husband and I started to think that we would never have kids. However, we have been incredibly blessed with our two girls. I am not sure what I did to deserve them, but I thank God that he saw fit to give me these babies to love.
I love animals. Cats and a rabbit surround me as we speak. As a kid, I always imagined growing up to have a house full of animals. It looks like that dream became a reality. During the pandemic, I also learned that I love growing flowers and feeding birds and all of the other backyard critters. My flower gardens have become my happy place, and I could stay in them all day. I am the person who goes out on Saturday mornings with a cup of coffee to check on my flowers. I purchased a fancy pants camera during the pandemic and enjoy taking pictures of everything blooming and moving in my backyard.
I have always enjoyed writing, even in elementary school. I remember writing a story about a stuffed orange cat of mine in second grade and a story about fighting some bad guys with beach glass in fourth or fifth grade (what I wouldn't give to have those stories to laugh at now). I have started this blog just for fun and to share stories that I am sure could only happen to me. If you have read this far, I hope you get some laughter from the posts and realize you are not alone in this wild world. Being a parent is hard. Working is hard. Caring for critters is hard.
Life is hard. But finding humor in it all makes the tough times a little easier.
Much love to you all,
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Jo is eleven going on 16. She is as strong-willed as they come and will argue for the sake of arguing. She will even argue about not arguing (she gets that one straight from her dad). But, as stubborn as she is, she is sweet and caring. She loves to dance, loves all things video games, enjoys any crafting, and plans to be a photographer. She loves her family, and despite the age difference, she is really close with her sister. She will fight with her, then fight me for her within two minutes. She really dislikes school and informed us after a few days of kindergarten that she would not be going back. It was also in kindergarten that we learned she had very strong leadership and delegation skills when she said she would make a friend so her friend could keep up with her things. Someone said it best when they said she would either lead a corporation or the prison gang.
If you look up the definition of a boss baby, there you will find Bug's picture. She is the epitome of a sour-patch kid and tries to be the boss of everyone and everything. She knows exactly what she is doing. She is a born nurturer. She has more baby dolls than I can count and must sleep with each one every night. She was the happiest baby in the world, and I truly hope she will always be that happy. She loves to help me cook and plant flowers. She also does everything in her power to scare away my birds and terrorize the animals. Bug says she is going to be a doctor when she grows up and has around five doctor kits to treat us all. She loves Frozen, PJ Masks, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and all things dinosaurs. Now in kindergarten, she is learning and doing so many new things. It's bittersweet to watch my last baby grow up.
Roma is the goodest boy, and he knows it. My husband brought Roma home in November 2012 after he was abandoned outside his then-place of employment. I was three months pregnant with our oldest and not interested in another dog. Like many strays, he came in terrified and destroyed everything in site (including my Swiffer duster). But after he adjusted, his personality began to shine, and he showed us what a gentle giant he really was. He is my guard dog and car ride companion. He loves his plush toys and thinks that packages from Chewy should all be for him. He loves cold weather, and playing in the snow is his jam.
It is Hank's world; he just allows us to live in it. Hank, AKA King Kitty, was a present from my husband in June 2016. My husband brings Hank home one Sunday morning after the end of his shift. Before I can say, "He's cute, but we cannot keep him," "my husband says, "I got him for you. I have been planning this for weeks". Well played, old man, well played. Hank was eight weeks old and immediately became the baby, which translates to a spoiled brat. He likes to play with black olives and pee on the floor when I have angered him. He likes to take rides on the clothes hamper, but do not pet him incorrectly, or you will suffer the wrath of his royal highness. He hates any animal that isn't him and hisses if any of the others are even in the same room. He is the epitome of a bad cat, and I could not love him more.
Mika is a diamond in the rough. She originally belonged to my parents, who had to re-home her and her brother when they relocated after retirement in the summer of 2017. My parents were told that she was a boy, so I scheduled an appointment for neutering. When I picked her up after surgery, I learned that she was spayed instead. My oldest told everyone for weeks that "Mika is a girl now." Mika was super shy and reserved when she and her brother came to live with us at the age of one. She hid for weeks. After losing her brother just before Christmas 2018, she really came into her own and is a social butterfly. Only about one in five orange tabby cats is female, which makes her extra special. This cat can read emotions. When I lost my 13-year-old Yorkie in January 2021, I struggled—a lot. Mika never left my side, morning or night, for weeks. She is how I survived that indescribable pain. She is the sweetest soul.
Evie (Floof #1) and her brother, Wednesday, came to live with us on Valentine's Day 2021, at almost exactly eight weeks old. With the loss of our Yorkie, it was very sad around here for everyone. So, I found some kittens to bring life and laughter back into our home. Evie is a precious girl who loves to talk and snuggle at night. We claimed each other almost immediately. She is a princess, and she knows it. I look forward to the many years we will have together.
Similar to Mika's story, we were told that Wednesday was a girl. I had my doubts, but we went with the name Wednesday after Wednesday Addams. Our first vet visit confirmed what I suspected-Wednesday is a boy. The name was already established, so we just went with it. Wednesday has claimed Jo as his person and searches the house for her when she is gone. He is a house panther and is always on the prowl.
Although from the same litter, Arlo (Floof #3) did not come to live with us at the same time as the other floofs. There were four kittens in the litter, so I assisted in finding homes for the other two. One of the homes agreed to take this little guy under one condition: I agreed to take him if he and the home's existing cat were not compatible. I agreed, thinking that once everyone adjusted, it would be fine. A week later (two weeks after the other floofs moved in), Arlo came to live with us. Even though it was not the plan, it was meant to be. I am convinced that I needed this freckled-faced boy way more than he needed me. His favorite place to sleep is on top of my head all night long, earning him the nickname Cat Hat. I would not have it any other way.
My husband has always wanted a rabbit. He made it very clear that I did not consider that when bringing home all of the floofs. So, I found Bunny Foo Foo, whose owner needed to re-home her. I lovingly refer to her as psycho bunny. I think she senses that I am a little afraid of her, and she uses that to her advantage. In my defense, I never knew bunnies growled and snapped! She is just a rabbit who knows what she wants and when she wants it. In other words, she fits in just fine around here. She is BFFs with my fur cat siblings, and I am pretty sure she thinks she is a cat.
Oh, Sadie Belle. After the loss of Marie in January 2021, I never thought I would want another dog, especially not another Yorkie. During summer vacation in 2021, I saw a Yorkie at the lodge where we were staying. I sat on the sidewalk and ugly cried while he gave me kisses. I then knew I needed that again. Sadie was born in July 2021, and a few months later, she came to live with us. She is a true Yorkie-feisty and lovable all-in-one package. She doesn't allow anyone else to sit with me if she is awake and bullies many of the other critters most of the day. I call her the bad dog, but I love all five pounds of her.
We had no plans to take on a sixth cat. But we plan, and God laughs. Tiger originates from an animal hoarding situation, where he was one of 40 or 50 cats. After that, he landed at the local humane society and was adopted in April 2021. In October 2021, Tiger's adoptive mom's circumstances changed. She was no longer in a position to care for him, and if a good home could not be found, he would have to go back to the shelter he was adopted from. Well, my heart couldn't take that, so now he lives with us. Tiger has adjusted really well and is the most snuggly cat I have ever known. I am pretty sure he thinks he is a lap dog. He is very chatty and chirps at me frequently. He is a secret bully and thinks running out the front door is a game. My dad calls him Tiny. I call him El Tigre Fluffy Butt.
Oh, Grumps. She has most definitely earned her name. Dubbed the female Hank, she is for sure the queen of the castle. She is her own woman and knows exactly what she wants, even if that does change by the second. She loves to be loved, but when she is done, you will know. It's funny to watch her strut around the house. She was supposed to be my husband's cat, but wouldn't have anything to do with him for a long time. She now loves to snuggle with us at night, and I often wake up to her kissing my face.
Our little Chiperonni. I am pretty sure this cat thinks he is a dog. He loves to be in my lap and give kisses. He believes everyone is his friend and will rub against any animal or person in the house. He thinks all the cats should stop what they are doing and groom him. He is known as the deadbeat Dad who needs to get a job and support his three kittens that he made approximately three days before his neutering. He may be one of the sweetest cats in the world.
Lily is our sick little baby. She has had several health issues since coming to live with us, including ear infections, respiratory problems, and an ear polyp. These complications have not stopped her from being a snuggly baby, though. She is sweet but can hold her own against Sadie and anyone else who tries to pick on her. She has claimed the kitchen and will challenge any of the others who try to enter.
We absolutely do talk about Bruno around here! Bruno, the only male from Meower's litter, is the cutest guy around. He is also a kisser and snuggler but has a mean streak, too.
Cookie is the smallest of Meower's litter. She is the most beautifully marked calico I believe I have ever seen. She pretends to be mean and pretty much hates all humans but loves the floors. She hates to be picked up, so naturally, I do it as much as possible. Growling is her main form of communication.
I have waited a very long time for this naming opportunity. Meredith started out as the smallest but toughest of the litter. She has grown so much that she is now the largest and fluffiest of the litter. She is mean, but I think that is because she takes after her namesake and stands up for what she believes (which is usually that Hank shouldn't be in the same room as her).
Roxy is the sweet mama dog that came to my parents as a stray several years ago. She has the sweetest soul, and she makes you wonder why anyone would drop her in the middle of nowhere. Roxy is the mama to Max and Katie.
Max thinks he is a puppy, but is twice the size of his mama. He has decided I am his BFF and gives my mom the 'haha' look when I let him on the couch or in my lap.
Katie gives the best dog hugs in the world. She is also a great dancer. She is sweet but can be spicy when she needs to be. And she has to be around here to protect herself from Sadie's wrath. She has lost most of her vision, but it hasn't slowed her down!
Maggie is a sibling to Grumps, Chip, Lily, and Meower. That doesn't mean she likes them. She has become really close with Foo Foo, though, and lets me pet her now.
Ginger looks at me like I am a serial killer and hides anytime I come near her. She is also a sibling to our fab four. She loves Maggie and Foo Foo and hangs out with them most of the day.
Previous Bio:
Meower, our little mama, is Bug's cat. They snuggled and slept together the first night home. Bug named her Meower because ...she meows. Then, Meower decided to reject all humans. (Un)Fortunately, she did not reject other cats and before she could be spayed she blessed us with three itty bitties. She is an awesome mama and now lets us love on her. It has been apparent that she trusts Bug and me because she would allow us to "watch" her babies while she ate in the first few weeks after they were born. She wasn't so trusting with anyone else.
Previous Bio:
Binx was a neighborhood tough guy who would visit our house every night around 8 pm to eat. It took a long time before he would even let me pet him. He trusted the girls before he trusted me. I even rolled around in the grass like a fool just to try to pet him. He would talk to me from about six feet away and I would call him for dinner by meowing. I couldn't handle the thought of leaving him behind when we moved, so after unsuccessfully trying to find his family, I scooped him up and brought him inside. I don't think he had ever lived inside before and seemed to be very unsure of our couch. It is now his favorite space in the house. He likes to snuggle next to me on the couch while I work. Living the life of a stray was hard on him. He has scars (but don't we all?) and rips in his ear. He has been diagnosed with Feline Leukemia Virus, meaning that he may not live the longest life. But, we will love him good as long as we can.
Previous Bio:
Honey is not a typical hamster. She has never used her exercise wheel and just hangs out all day. She stands on her back legs and begs for food, even when you have just fed her.
Previous Bio:
Okay, there is not a ton to say here. Baby Mallow is a hamster. She likes to poop, eat, sleep, and run on her wheel. Bug does take her for rides on her Daniel Tiger trolley occasionally. She is a master escape artist and likes to bite at the floofs when they get too close.
Previous Bio:
Third time is a charm, right? Sarge is a male koi betta. He is the third betta I've had this year due to freak accidents. But, so far so good with Sarge. He isn't super photogenic, but he's a tough little dude. He thinks he should eat all day and automatically goes to the top of the tank when someone walks by hoping for a snack.
Forever my baby. Thank you for letting me love you.
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